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                                                                                              CT Title    QS logo 18

Ruth Bucher, LMT, CTAP, CBP, MTI, CE, Member AMTA

Cell: 469-338-9748      e-mail: rubu1323@yahoo.com

Thank you for signing up for the upcoming workshop at the AMTA TX Chapter Convention.

Location:  League City, TX

What to Bring:
Please bring a fitted sheet and face rest cover or pillow case, and if you can, a massage table. When you trade please make sure you are using your own sheet when you receive.
Bring pillows and a blanket if you usually require them when you receive in a trade.
Wear comfortable clothing: stretchy, soft, pants and shirt, and a sweatshirt if you tend to get could. This modality works without lotion, so, for the purpose of this class, clothing will stay on.
A handout will be provided but if you like to take notes, please bring a note pad and your favorite writing utensils. Audio and video recording devices (phones) will not be allowed.

         - Note pad and writing utensils

- Fitted sheet and head rest cover or pillow case, blanket for comfort

- Massage table

- bolsters, pillows, blanket if needed for comfort

- Loose, comfortable clothing, sweater/sweatshirt for comfort

- No recording devices

I’m looking forward to meeting you all in April.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at 469-338-9748 (talk & text) or rubu1323@yahoo.com
Ruth Bucher
TRAGER Intro Workshop Leader, MI, CE

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AFI - Intro to TRAGER Workshops, Fort Worth, TX
Thank you for signing up for the upcoming workshop.

Location:  5300 Dallas Ave, Fort Worth, TX 76112

Please plan to arrive at the location by 8:45am, so we can start class punctually at 9am. I will be available from 8:30am

Please bring a fitted sheet and face rest cover or pillow case, and if you can, a massage table.
I have two tables, but I’m not sure how many people we will ultimately end up having in the class. Please let me know if you can bring a table.

Wear comfortable clothing.
For convenience, please bring a bag lunch, going out could take more time than desirable. There is fridge space, a fully equipped kitchen, and I will have some bottled water for you.

I’m looking forward to seeing you all soon.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at 469-338-9748 (talk & text) or rubu1323@yahoo.com
Ruth Bucher
TRAGER Intro Workshop Leader, MI, CE
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QS Stretching for Self-Care & Practice

Thank you for signing up for the upcoming workshop.

  5300 Dallas Ave, Fort Worth, TX 76112
Please plan to arrive at the location by 8:45am, so we can start class punctually at 9am. I will be available from 8:30am 

Please bring a sheet set (top and bottom) and face rest cover or pillow case, and any special pillows and bolsters you usually require when receiving in a trade. 

When you trade please make sure you are using your own sheet when you receive.
Please let me know if you can bring a massage table.
Bring your favorite massage lotion or cream.
Wear light, comfortable clothing – shorts/yoga pants and a t-shirt is fine.
For convenience, please bring a bag lunch, going out could take more time than desirable.
There is fridge space, and water coolers, and I will have some bottled water for you.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at 469-338-9748 (talk & text) or rubu1323@yahoo.com

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QS Myofascial Therapy

Thank you for signing up for the upcoming workshop.

Location:  5300 Dallas Ave, Fort Worth, TX 76112

Please plan to arrive at the location by 8:45am, so we can start class punctually at 9am. I will be available from 8:30am

Please bring a sheet set (top and bottom) and face rest cover or pillow case, and any special pillows and bolsters you usually require when receiving in a trade. Please let me know if you can bring a massage table. We will be using 100% pure cocoa butter. I will have some available, but you can purchase it in sticks at Dollar General or Family Dollar (make sure it does not contain vitamin e).

When you trade please make sure you are using your own sheet when you receive.
Wear light, comfortable clothing – shorts/yoga pants and a t-shirt is fine.

For convenience, please bring a bag lunch, going out could take more time than desirable.

There is fridge space, and water coolers, and I will have some bottled water for you.

I’m looking forward to seeing you all this coming Sunday 10/22/2017.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at 469-338-9748 (talk & text) or rubu1323@yahoo.com

 Ruth Bucher, LMT, CTAP, MTI, CE Provider
469-338-9748         rubu323@yahoo.com

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İRuth Bucher, 2017,  rubu1323@yahoo.com