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AFI Touch Education
                                                                                              CT Title

Ruth Bucher, LMT, CTAP, CBP, MTI, Member AMTA

Cell: 469-338-9748      e-mail: rubu1323@yahoo.com

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AFI Touch Education

What Is AFI Touch Education?

In AFI Touch Education we focus on improving touch communication by people who work hands-on with other human beings

What Is AFI?




Through the years, as I was taking continuing education classes I noticed a difference of touch between some instructors and practitioners and students. Of course, the level of training and expertise in the field, and the passion an instructor has about a subject explains some of the difference in touch.

However, I have also experienced the touch of people how felt very passionate about their work and it was good, but yet not as excellent as I would have expected considering their level of training and experience.

So, what is the secret ingredient?
After much contemplation over many years I came to the conclusion that in addition to training, experience and passion, it is the awareness, focus and intention somebody brings into play that takes their work to an entirely other level of excellence.

In communication, next to choice of words, tone of voice, body language, and body chemistry, there is another, more subtle, unconscious level of understanding among humans and other living creatures on this planet.

Unconsciously we project to the person/animal we are communicating with (verbally and through touch) how we are feeling. This includes how we are feeling physically as well as emotionally.

This doesn’t mean that you always have to be completely happy and healthy to do your best work – it would be optimal, but not very realistic. We humans are very emotional beings and most of us carry physical, intellectual, and emotional baggage.

                                    – It’s not about how much baggage you have, but how you carry it -

So how do we approach this unknown, vague obstacle that keeps us from doing our best work?
Just being aware of what is going on with our bodies and emotions as we communicate with other humans, or approach any task, can make a huge difference.

Easier said than done, right?
Unfortunately, especially in our modern world of advanced global technology, most of us modern human beings are completely unaware of what is going on within the micro cosmos of our own bodies and minds. I other words, we live in and with our heads instead of with a healthy balance of head, heart and body.

                                                                        - Know your enemy and your battle is half won -

How can we change that?
Here is the good news: Awareness can be learned and practiced.

In our AFI Touch Education classes awareness is the first thing we play with. You learn how to explore your body from within, how it feels, how it moves, and how you can improve your communication within.

Focus and Intention
It may take some practice, but once you are more comfortable with your awareness, you will learn how your focus and intention can award you better results in whatever you are doing.

You can use AFI in whatever you are doing and it can take any work – selling a car, raising a child, taking care of the sick and old - to a new level of subtle excellence.

In AFI Touch Education we focus on improving touch communication by people who work hands-on with other human beings: Massage therapists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, chiropractors, chiropractic assistants, doctors, PAs, nurses, memory care staffers, and more; even mental health therapists and practitioners can benefit from these classes.


If you have any questions about AFI and the classes we offer, please contact us at 469-338-9748.
                                                                        Thank you for your interest


 Ruth Bucher, LMT, CTAP, MTI, CE Provider
469-338-9748         rubu323@yahoo.com

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İRuth Bucher, 2017,  rubu1323@yahoo.com