If you are seeking a legitimate professional therapeutic
massage or bodywork session you most likely will be leaving feeling better and
happier than when you arrived.
If you have anything other in mind than a legitimate
professional therapeutic massage or bodywork session you will be sorely disappointed
and leaving very unhappy.
As a client you have the right to terminate a
session at any time for any reason. You will be charged the full price of the
session that you booked starting at $70.
The massage therapist has the right to terminate a
session at any time for any reason. The therapy fee is to be determined.
If a session has to be terminated for reasons of
inappropriate conduct by the client, the client will be charged the full fee
for the session (starting at $70) plus a $50 surcharge. There will be no
explanation for the increased charge.
Myofascial Therapy
The fascia of the body is a connective tissue that wraps around bones, muscle
tissue and organs. Through every day life, and surgeries and injuries that
create scar tissue, the fascia can get tight and restrict range of motion, flexibility
and muscle function.
Myofascial therapy releases the tension in the fascia and allows the body to
move more freely and the muscles to function more efficiently again. The effect
is comparable to riding a bicycle wearing tight jeans before the session to
riding a bicycle wearing lose shorts after the session.
This therapy is excellent for athletes who want to improve and maintain their
personal performance, and for clients who like the results of deep tissue
massage without having to suffer the pain often involved during the session.
This therapy requires a minimum of 60 minutes for a session that includes work
on the front, both sides and the back of the body.
Muscle Stretching
Gentle 2-second stretches are integrated with traditional Swedish massage to
help ease low back pain and symptoms from muscular overuse like Carpal Tunnel
Syndrome, "Tennis Elbow", Sciatica, Plantar Fasciitis, joint pain,
other back pain, neck pain, and more. It helps restore natural muscle function,
flexibility, and range of motion after old and new injuries and prevent future
Migraine Miracle® Headache and Migraine
A blend of pressure point massage, aromatherapy, and cold stone therapy provide
relief from headache and migraine symptoms.
Find more information and testimonials at http://www.migrainemiracle.com/
Advanced notice required.
Deep Tissue Therapy
Deep Tissue therapy is a very slow, deep, and intensive type of massage applied
with cocoa butter instead of massage lotion. This therapy can be very painful
at times and render you very sore for a few days. To make the treatment more
effective it is used in combination with QS Myofascial therapy. The length of a
Deep Tissue session is at least one hour which is usually enough time to
address one particular problem area of the body such as head and neck, shoulder
girdle, back, or pelvic girdle.
Deep Tissue therapy is only used when necessary and appropriate for a
particular client. A series of Integrated Swedish massage treatments with Ruth
Bucher, LMT, is required prior to a Deep Tissue Therapy treatment.
Pre-Natal Massage
Pregnancy massage is a form of Swedish massage that addresses common aches and pains
associated with pregnancy, and helps in preparation for childbirth.
Schedule your first session after the first trimester.
Facial Toning and Massage
This gentle facial massage regimen includes natural skin products,
hot towels, a relaxing face massage, and gentle hand and foot massage. Thank
you for not wearing makeup.
advanced notice required.
Hot Stone Massage
This therapy includes relaxing, light Swedish massage and the use of the
calming heat of hot, smooth river stones.
advanced notice required.
Chair Massages and Short Table Massages
This is a quick pick-me-up for busy people. You can keep your clothes on.
15 to 30 minutes
(Private and corporate massage events available)
Mind-Body Energy Balancing (MBEB)
How Often Do I Schedule a Massage/ BodyWork Session
to Get Best Results?
If you are new at getting massages, or had a long break since your last
massage, schedule the first three appointments at one-week intervals. After
this, the frequency of your sessions depends on the amount of stress and
physical discomfort you encounter in your life. For better health, faster
improvements, and lasting results schedule at least one 60 minute session per
What’s NOT on the Menu
The therapy sessions offered here are all advanced professional, customized
Therapeutic BodyWork and Massage Modalities.
NOT offered are massages for adult entertainment and discount massages.
© Ruth
Bucher, 2024, rubu1323@yahoo.com